Mike Huckabee makes overseas trip, desecrates cemetery

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Mike Huckabee, many years removed from his time as Governor of Arkansas, and unable to get more than one percent support from his own party in his subsequent bids for President, would do well to simply disappear. His total lack of morality and misguided sense of humor, combined with his utterly warped version of Christianity, have made for too many cringe-worthy moments to list. But this week he found a whole new way to embarrass America.

Huckabee took an overseas trip to Europe, and somehow found himself at a cemetery in Norway. He tweeted two pictures of himself standing in front of gravestones with the caption “Found Democrat voters in Eidfjord Norway. They are just dying to get to vote!” (link):

In so doing, Mike Huckabee managed to desecrate the final resting place of everyone buried in the cemetery, while also insulting their loved ones. This kind of offensive joke might not be considered a big deal by all, but as someone who claims to be a Christian minister, Huckabee should know better than anyone else. Not that anything about his political views or general behavior is remotely compatible with the actual tenets of Christianity, of course. But this isn’t even the only time this week in which Huckabee has gone way over the line.

During an appearance on Fox News this morning, Mike Huckabee made a remark about kids riding the “short bus” and ended up having to apologize for it in a tweet: “A comment I made on Fox this am was undeservedly harmful and disrespectful to many people. No ifs or buts-I was wrong-period. I apologize.” He still has yet to post an apology for the cemetery desecration. Editorial note: For those who have inquired about the use of the word “desecrate” in the headline, Merriam-Webster defines it as “to violate the sanctity of” or “to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously” – it does not necessarily mean to physically defile. Though we wouldn’t necessarily put that past Huckabee either.

Dear Palmer report readers: Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our democracy and our way of life. We must fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible. Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate what you can to the fight. Our future depends on it.