Insiders: Donald Trump jealous that Steve Bannon is on cover of Time Magazine

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Another day, yet another instance of White House insiders running to reporters to dish dirt about the inner happenings of Donald Trump’s chaotically out of control administration. It’s not clear if Trump’s top staffers are trying to undermine him or undermine each other or just stir up trouble for trouble’s sake. But the latest revelation confirms what many Americans already suspected: Trump is jealous of the fact that Steve Bannon is currently on the cover of Time Magazine instead of himself.

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This doesn’t come as a major surprise; Donald Trump recently (incorrectly) bragged during a publicly aired speech at the CIA that he had been on the cover of Time Magazine more times than his pal Tom Brady. But now comes word that Trump was so taken aback by Steve Bannon’s debut on the cover of Time that, according to a new Washington Post report he was left asking his other aides about the situation. This real life development mirrors the manner in which mainstream America is now making fun of Trump for being Bannon’s puppet.

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Last night on Saturday Night Live, Donald Trump was portrayed as nothing more than a petulant child in the White House, as Steve Bannon (dressed as the Grim Reaper) baited him into doing one stupid thing after another. Bannon then relegated Trump to kid’s desk while taking the main Oval Office desk for himself. Meanwhile Trump appears to be in a particularly touchy mood today, launching one juvenile tweet after another aimed at federal judges, and all but begging for a terrorist attack so he can be proven right.

With Steve Bannon now having gained more influence over Donald Trump than all of his other advisors combined, and the nation derisively pushing Bannon to the forefront of its focus, it’s enough to wonder if Trump may end up shoving Bannon out the back door out of pure jealousy.

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Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.