Donald Trump’s idiot fans mistakenly celebrate Paul Manafort wiretap

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On Monday night it was revealed that former Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort had been under FISA warrant surveillance before and after the election, and that phone calls between Manafort and Trump were likely intercepted as part of that warrant. Even as those in the real world understood this to mean that Trump and Manafort are both screwed, Trump’s remaining fans willfully misinterpreted it as evidence that Trump was correct when he claimed President Obama wiretapped him.

When the news of the Manafort wiretap was revealed, the scene across social media was the rough equivalent of one team’s fan base celebrating a game-winning shot, as the other team’s fans celebrated what they mistakenly thought was a missed shot. Trump’s supporters simply could not seem to understand that the FISA surveillance warrant on Manafort’s communications was the result of a judge signing off on the belief that Manafort was committing crimes. Trump wasn’t a part of the FISA warrant. He simply inserted himself into it by calling Manafort, whose phone was being tapped.

If Carrot Top had called Paul Manafort on the phone while he was under FISA surveillance, he would have been picked up on the wiretap as well – and it wouldn’t have meant Carrot Top was being wiretapped. For Trump or his fans to claim he was being wiretapped, because he got intercepted when he called someone on the phone who was being wiretapped, is utterly absurd. It’s also a flat out lie. That’s like going to a shady place of business that has an unmarked FBI surveillance fan out front, and then claiming that the FBI is surveilling your home.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted on March 4th: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” Yet Trump’s fans are so obtuse, stupid, or deeply in denial that they’re insisting the court-ordered wiretap on Paul Manafort’s phone is somehow confirmation that Trump’s deranged false tweet was true.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer