God damn you, Donald Trump, for exploiting the widow of the Navy SEAL you just murdered

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

And there it was. Just weeks after Donald Trump recklessly and carelessly got a Navy SEAL killed in a botched raid in Yemen that he had no business ordering, and just hours after he tried to blame that death on military generals, Trump sunk to the lowest moment in the history of the United States presidency: he used his first address to Congress to try to exploit the grief of the widow of the man he had just finished murdering.

Yeah, I’ll say it. Donald Trump murdered Chief Petty Officer William Ryan Owens. That’s not a word to be used lightly. But the facts say that Trump ordered the Yemen raid without consulting with anyone who knew anything, instead casually greenlighting it over dinner. The facts also say that Trump wasn’t even in the situation room during the raid, despite being the Commander in Chief. And our research suggests that his true motivation for ordering the Yemen raid was that he was trying to curry favor with the government of the United Arab Emirates so it would sign off on the opening of his new golf course. Sure enough, that golf course opened two weeks later.

Yet there was Donald Trump during his speech to Congress, trying to align himself with the Navy SEAL he just murdered, and pointing to his widow in the audience. And then we all had to sit there and watch this poor woman in tears for an extended period of time, as Trump refused to continue with his speech until the applause finally subsided. He didn’t even have the decency to continue his speech so the cameras would get off the woman.

In my lifetime I’ve sat through dozens of presidential addresses to Congress, from both parties, some of them good, some of them bad, some of them terrible. But this was, by far, the most horrifically awful speech that any president has ever given in my lifetime – and perhaps in American history.
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Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.