Donald Trump’s sinking White House can’t even get straight who it’s throwing under Russia bus

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,398 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

We’ve reached the point in Donald Trump’s exploding Russia scandal where he has to begin selectively throwing some of his own people under the bus in the hope of sidetracking the inevitable. But the announcements coming from Trump and his White House over the past twenty-four hours paint a picture of such chaos that they can’t even get their story straight who they’re throwing under that bus.

Real News. Fake President.

Yesterday, after Attorney Jeff Sessions was caught having repeatedly met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and having then lied about it under oath, Donald Trump’s White House put out a statement insisting that Trump had no idea Sessions had met with Russia. The message was clear: whatever Sessions did, he’s on his own to sink or swim.

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But then just a few hours later, Trump began vigorously defending Sessions on Twitter, and it became clear that the White House had jumped the gun by beginning the process of hanging Sessions out to dry without Trump’s knowledge. Then the White House did a full one-eighty today from its previous disavowal of Sessions, instead opting to throw Sessions’ co-conspirator Carter Page under the bus. It even went so far as to insist that it’s been threatening legal action against Page for months, a bizarre claim.

What we’re seeing now is a sinking Donald Trump administration in such chaos over the Russia scandal that it can’t even get its own story straight about who the designated fall guy is supposed to be. For Donald Trump to have any slim chance of surviving this, he and his remaining allies need to be coordinating the coverup in expert fashion. And instead they’re falling apart. Help us investigate Trump-Russia!

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,398 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer