Donald Trump goes berserk
Donald Trump’s two week Asia trip has come to an end, and based on what’s transpired in the Trump-Russia scandal during that time, it’s enough to ask if his presidency is nearing an end as well. Trump, having retaken control of his Twitter account from his staffers, is now revealing just how thoroughly the pressure is getting to him. Simply put, he’s gone completely berserk.
Thus far Donald Trump has had nothing to say about the new evidence that his son Donald Trump Jr spent the general election coordinating with Russian puppet WikiLeaks to try to rig the outcome. Instead, Trump is expressing his frustration by tweeting berserk garbage like this: “While in the Philippines I was forced to watch @CNN, which I have not done in months, and again realized how bad, and FAKE, it is. Loser!” Then he took things even further.
Trump then tweeted “The failing @nytimes hates the fact that I have developed a great relationship with World leaders like Xi Jinping, President of China. They should realize that these relationships are a good thing, not a bad thing. The U.S. is being respected again. Watch Trade!” It is actually hard to believe how naive (or dumb) the Failing New York Times is when it comes to foreign policy…weak and ineffective!”
So this is how Donald Trump is trying to set the tone, now that he’s returned from a fruitless overseas trip and come home to find that his presidency and his family are in the midst of going down in flames. Trump is pushing the same old tired narratives about major media outlets being fake news. He’s even using the same old tired catch phrases – he’s just going more berserk with it than ever. If this is all that Trump has left has in his arsenal of distractions, then it suggests he’s all but given up hope.