Desperate to distract from today’s Trump-Russia hearings, Donald Trump attacks Snoop Dogg
On the day in which FBI Director James Comey is expected to finally reveal the extent of the investigation into Donald Trump and Russia, it only seemed natural that Trump would roll out of bed this morning and start a feud with a rapper. In fairness, Snoop Dogg started it when he released a video of himself killing a clown that looked vaguely like Trump. But it couldn’t be more clear that this is meant as a distraction from today’s real Trump-Russia show.
Even after Donald Trump’s own White House admitted to MSNBC last night that his leaked partial 2005 tax returns were indeed legitimate (and there’s strong circumstantial evidence that Trump leaked them himself), he rolled out of bed at seven this morning casually yelling his usual “FAKE NEWS” insult at the whole thing. But he was clearly so upset about it that just seven minutes later he turned his ire to Snoop Dogg.
Trump’s provocative next tweet read “Can you imagine what the outcry would be if Snoop Dogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!” But that tweet seemed ironic considering that Trump himself had called for the assassination of his opponent Hillary Clinton during the primary season, and that Trump’s own Republican Party rewarded Ted Nugent with a trip to the State of the Union after he made much more direct threats toward President Obama than Snoop did toward Trump. But really, this is still all about Russia.
The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee is holding hearings on Russian hacking today at 2:30pm eastern time, and FBI Director Comey will be the star witness. Then five days from now on March 20th, the House Intelligence Committee will be holding broader hearings on Donald Trump and Russia which will include the testimony of everyone from Comey to Sally Yates. And the more pivotal Senate Intelligence Committee hearings will come sometime after that. Contribute to Palmer Report
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report