Here comes Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald Trump is now intent on taking everyone under him down with him. That’s the upshot of an explosive and arguably psychotic interview he just granted to the New York Times, in which he lashes out at numerous key people in his administration – including some of his own allies. It’s become apparent that Trump has reached the point where he’s about to start firing everyone involved, perhaps out of little more than spite.

Trump is publicly lashing out his own Attorney General and friend Jeff Sessions, condemning him for having recused himself from the Russia investigation. Trump is also attacking Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for – you can’t make this up – being from Baltimore. Trump appears to have included that Rosenstein must be a Democrat, and therefore must be out to get him, based on the city he’s from. Trump is also threatening to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller is he investigates Trump’s financial crimes. And Trump is also attacking Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

Half of these people aren’t even necessarily standing against Donald Trump. He’s simply reached a point of such exasperation at his exploding scandals, which are now swiftly gobbling up his own son, that he’s out for blood. Trump is even semi-coherently threatening to detach the FBI from the Department of Justice so he can control the FBI more directly.

In other words, this is the part where Donald Trump begins trying to knock down the walls before they can cave in on him. By the time Trump is done attacking and firing people, it may end up making Richard Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre look pale in comparison. And based on his surreal New York Times interview (link), now we know that Trump is reaching that point. Nixon’s own massacre only helped hasten his own demise. Is Trump about to finish himself off in similar fashion? If you find Palmer Report valuable, make a donation.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.