Donald Trump abruptly ends Oval Office interview after being asked about President Obama

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Donald Trump’s relationship with the media has been consistently difficult during the course of his foray into politics. He often hurled insults and veiled threats at reporters during his campaign stops. And now that he’s in office, he routinely yells “fake news” at any real news report he doesn’t like. But his relations with the media hit an all time low during what was supposed to be an interview commemorating his first hundred days.

CBS News has posted the transcript of its Oval Office interview with Donald Trump, conducted by Face The Nation host John Dickerson. Trump used the conversation to complain about Republicans in Congress not supporting his initiatives. Then he talked about having had a red button installed on his desk which he can use to order a Coke, bragging that “I have fun with people” who think it’s some kind of nuclear launch button. But then things got more terse, and let’s just say Trump wasn’t up for it.

Dickerson asked Trump whether President Obama had given him any useful advice. Trump responded by once again falsely accusing Obama of having illegally surveilled him. That prompted Dickerson to ask Trump to elaborate, and things quickly went south. According to the CBS transcript (link), Trump responded with “You don’t have to ask me,” and added that “I have my own opinions. You can have your own opinions.”

Dickerson replied with “But I want to know your opinions. You’re the president of the United States.” At that point Trump said “Okay, it’s enough. Thank you. Thank you very much” and abruptly ended the interview without ever answering the question.

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