84 Lumber builds an open door into Donald Trump’s racist wall with Super Bowl ad

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Of all the Super Bowl ads which took aim at Donald Trump on Sunday evening, it was perhaps fitting that a lumber company most thoroughly took him to the woodshed. Building material company 84 Lumber pushed itself into the national political discussion when it ran a Super Bowl commercial which directly stood up for immigration rights while slamming Trump’s racist insistence on building a wall — and literally putting a hole in that wall.

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The ad in question depicts immigrants trying to make their way to United States in the name of becoming American citizens, only to be thwarted by Donald Trump’s border wall. But by the end of the ad, it turns out 84 Lumber has built a door into of Trump’s wall, opening it to let the immigrants pass through. There were any number of anti-Trump ads during this year’s Super Bowl, with everyone from Coca-Cola to Google to AirBnB to Budweiser taking shots at him with varying degrees of blatantness.

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And as if to rub it in, Donald Trump’s preferred team, Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, are losing the game badly by a score of 21-3 at halftime. This comes even as the pre-game ceremonies honored the cast of the Broadway play Hamilton, whom Trump has previously bitterly complained about on Twitter. And the TV ads standing up for immigrations and multiculturalism, which stand in direct rebuke of Trump’s white nationalist policies, have been nearly endless during the course of today’s game — with corporations feeling bold enough to stick it to the toxically unpopular Trump.

But the ad that had everyone talking was the 84 Lumber ad, which is remarkable considering that it came from a building supply company which that’s long been well known but has just about never been a part of any urgent national conversation one way or the other. Watch the extended version of the 84 Lumber ad:

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.