Newt Gingrich encourages Donald Trump to pardon his most corrupt advisors as he goes

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Newt Gingrich may have gotten nothing in return for supporting Donald Trump’s bid for the White House, but it appears Newt is still doing Trump’s bidding. After being shut out of the running mate and cabinet positions he seemed to be aspiring to, Gingrich is nonetheless offering Trump public advice on how to keep his historically corrupt cabinet picks intact. Newt incredible, but very real, advice: just pardon them whenever they do something wrong.

The bizarre advice came from Newt Gingrich when he appeared on an NPR radio interview, and Esquire Magazine transcribed enough of it to capture the gist of the openly corrupt era which he’s proposing. Newt’s key sentence in regard so so-called president elect Donald Trump: “In the case of the president, he has a broad ability to organize the White House the way he wants to. He also has, frankly, the power of the pardon.”

As Palmer Report has previously reported, Donald Trump’s cabinet and administration picks thus far include two alleged wife beaters, one admitted drunk driver, two guys who have been punished for illegally leaking classified information, and one guy (Ben Carson) who claims he once tried and failed to murder someone. And his pick for Secretary of State was recently caught running some sort of offshore tax haven scam out of the Bahamas. So that could add up to a whole lot of pardons.

But Gingrich took things even further in the above linked interview, suggesting that Trump could simply say of his corrupt advisors, “I pardon them if anyone finds them to have behaved against the rules.” Despite Newt’s suggestion, history suggests that political figures don’t actually want to be pardoned unless they’re facing imminent prosecution or have already been found guilty, because the public tends to view those who have been pardoned as having been guilty to begin with. In that light, perhaps Newt is publicly offering Trump this very faulty advice as some sort of revenge ploy for not putting him in the cabinet.

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