Donald Trump has one of his most utterly deranged Twitter meltdowns yet

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Yesterday the New York Times reported that Donald Trump has been telling his advisers he wants to build a moat on the border and fill it with snakes and alligators. The report said that Trump even went so far as to have his people get pricing quotes on this moat of doom. Now Trump is refuting this report, but he’s not exactly succeeding at it.

Donald Trump posted this tweet today: “Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moot stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!”

That’s right, Trump thinks a moat is called a “Moot.” We’ve reached the point where the President of the United States is having a complete meltdown, and the part about alligators isn’t even the most embarrassing part of it.

Donald Trump has also once again called for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign, and to the surprise of no one, Schiff still hasn’t resigned. We think it’s Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who will be the next to resign, if anyone.

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