Lauren Boebert’s ugly corruption scandal exposed

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Lauren Boerbert’s Mileage-Gate is getting a close look for good reason. Boebert claimed reimbursement by two separate requests: $1,060 at the end of March and $21,200 on Nov. 11th. The Denver Post previously pointed out that the significance of these two payments necessarily required that Boebert would have had to drive 36,870 miles just for the period between April 1 and Nov. 11th to justify that second payment.

Boebert’s bar, Shooters Grill, was delinquent on unemployment insurance premiums dating back to 2013. A total of eight liens were placed on the property by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. By early 2020 Boebert’s restaurant owed the state a total of $19,552.86, including interest and penalties.

Records now show that one-month before her first request for reimbursement, three of the tax liens totaling $553.50 were satisfied and released. The remaining five liens, totaling $18,999.36, were satisfied on Oct. 22, 2020, a little less than a month before her 2nd request for reimbursement. The method of payment used to satisfy the liens is not clear. Whether the satisfaction of the liens is in any way connected to the money she received for mileage remains to be seen. A nonpartisan ethics watchdog group has made a formal request to the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate the mileage disbursements.

Boebert’s mileage-gate tax woes come in just as reports are also beginning to surface about the many millions of dollars in campaign contributions that Trump has taken for himself.

According to reports, Trump moved an approximate $2.8 million into his private businesses during his presidency and an additional $81,000 into the Trump Organization after he lost the election. His campaign joint-fundraising committees also moved money to him and to his businesses: approx. $4.3 million of donor money was moved into Trump’s private business during his term; another $300,000 was paid to his hotel; $40,000 was handed over from the campaign to Trump Tower Commercial LLC, a company he has a stake in; and in July 2020, the campaign sent nearly $400,000 to the Trump Organization in just two days. Tell me again why these people aren’t in prison?

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