Donald Trump takes his hypocrisy to a whole new level

It is not a big surprise to many that congressional Republicans are once again exhibiting excessive levels of projection and hypocrisy. As Palmer Report has documented, the hypocrisy of Donald Trump knows no bounds. Whether it was Trump’s false accusations that Hillary was somehow cheating in the election, while he was secretly conspiring with foreign adversaries to subvert democracy, or claiming the Clintons were violating laws concerning charitable foundations, while using donations to his family “charity” to pad his own pockets, it appears all his accusations of wrongdoing against others have actually been committed by Trump himself.
It now turns out that Trump’s feigned outrage against illegal immigration is just another example of his own hypocrisy. New Jersey investigators, in coordination with the FBI, are scrutinizing allegations that supervisors at Trump’s Bedminster golf club were providing false social security numbers and fake green cards to workers that were violating federal laws and in the country illegally. According to the Daily News, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is also investigating these claims.
Anibal Romero, an attorney representing several of the undocumented immigrants, has confirmed that managers at Trump’s resort provided the fake documents. He’s been working with Mueller’s team, the FBI, and New Jersey’s Attorney General. Romero has publicly stated his concerns for his clients’ rights, especially when Jeff Sessions was the United States Attorney General. “I wasn’t sure, one, if they’d take me seriously and, two, if this could backfire on my clients,” Romero stated in referencing his dilemma while Sessions still headed the Department of Justice.
This is not the first time that Donald Trump’s public statements on immigration have conflicted with his history of hiring workers at his personal properties. While he has continually utilized fear mongering against immigrants to rile up his base, Trump has a long history of hiring immigrants. This past summer, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida attempted to hire 78 foreign workers with H-2B visas. While Trump and his supporters continue to spew vitriol and propaganda disparaging immigrants, it is important to remember that Trump’s hypocrisy, and love of money, will always trump his supposed principles.

I’m a ceramic engineer living in Central New York, avid sports fan but find myself more interested in politics lately.