How we won the war against Donald Trump

We're leading the fight against Trump. We need to raise $2,931 this week to keep the fight going. Click here to donate $25 or $50 to the cause.

On election night in 2016, I said we’d be fighting a war against Donald Trump, and that it would very likely last four years. I said we would face unacceptable losses, and that in war, the losses are always unacceptable. I said Trump’s approval rating would be the only factor in who was winning the war at any given time, because that would decide if he got another term and took over.

I also pointed out from day one that while there was a small chance we’d be able to eject Trump from office prematurely (impeachment, resignation, indictment, etc), it was still going to be a four year war, because someone on the Republican side was going to finish out the term. I also said from day one that Trump would lose reelection because we’d keep his approval rating low. And I said that after he lost he’d end up in prison, which is now pretty obvious.

If Trump had won reelection, he could have stopped pretending to even keep up the slightest of appearance of democracy, he’d have taken over as Emperor, and everything would have been lost. Instead, Trump’s approval rating remained low, thanks in part to his own deranged ineptitude, but also in large part because we just kept clawing and scraping at him and we kept his approval rating low for four years. So he lost the election, meaning he lost the war.

I was correct about the parameters of Trump’s downfall, but only because all of you were willing to put in the work these past four years and prove me right. The war is over and we’ve won. Trump is a prisoner of war at this point, squirming around, trying to bargain his way out, making threats he can’t deliver on, knowing deep down that his life is over.

As is the case for anyone who wins a brutal war, we’re now tasked with having to rebuild what’s been torn down, and that won’t be an easy task. We also have to find a way to memorialize the quarter million American civilians who were murdered by Trump in this war. But we won the war. And now Trump will lose everything. War is hell – especially on the loser.

We're leading the fight against Trump. We need to raise $2,931 this week to keep the fight going. Click here to donate $25 or $50 to the cause.