Donald Trump is not my President: defiant Facebook group explodes in popularity

In the days since the offensively and erratically extremist Donald Trump was shockingly named the “winner” of the 2016 election despite losing by two million votes nationwide, the American people have taken to the streets to protest what they feel is an illegitimate result and an unacceptable “president-elect.” But many of those protests in particular, and much of the anti-Trump resistance in general, have been emanating from a remarkably popular Facebook group which calls itself “Donald Trump is not my President.”
The group, which already has more than a hundred thousand members, has become a hub of activity and planning for those who refuse to accept the idea of Donald Trump being their President. Members have been using the group to organize and share their peaceful anti-Trump protests around the nation, as well as to share relevant information about the illegitimacy of the election and the abhorrent moves Trump has made since being declared the winner.
Americans who fear that a Donald Trump presidency might cost them their health care or retirement, or make them a target for the kinds of racial and ethnic attacks which Trump and his extremist followers have championed, have also found comfort within the swiftly growing Facebook group. Although the largest contingent of members are those who supported Hillary Clinton, they’ve been joined by Bernie Sanders progressives and moderate Republicans alike who have come together to fight back against Trump in every way they legally can.
Some outside skeptics of the “Donald Trump is not my President” group insisted that Trump be given a chance to prove his worthiness or unworthiness before beginning the work of opposing and delegitimizing his tenure. However, after Trump’s first major hire was infamous white supremacist Steve Bannon, the “wait and see” attitude began to fade, and membership in the group has continued to skyrocket. Those who want to join “Donald Trump is not my President” can find the group here.