Donald Trump delivers disgustingly creepy response to Elizabeth Warren’s demand to pay up

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Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test today, which showed that – as she had long stated – she is part Native American. In other words, Donald Trump was off base when he claimed, without evidence, that Warren was somehow faking her heritage. Trump had also promised to personally give a million dollars to Warren’s favorite charity if she took the test, and now Warren is demanding that Trump pay up. His response is nothing short of repulsive.

Donald Trump has decided – as always, without any reason or justification – that Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test is somehow invalid. Therefore, according to his baseless logic, he doesn’t owe the million dollars. He is, however, offering a scenario in which he would make good on what he now owes: “I’ll only [donate] if I can test her personally,” he said, according to BuzzFeed. Wait, what?

Trump is now going to personally administer a DNA test on a female United States Senator? Considering that he’s an admitted serial sexual assaulter who just put another serial sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court, that’s beyond creepy. Yes, it’s just a cheek swab or whatever, but would you allow Trump to get that close to you? Then Donald Trump made it even worse by adding “That will not be something I enjoy doing either.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is he implying that he doesn’t find her to be physically attractive? Is he really going there? This guy is the epitome of pure filth.

Elizabeth Warren responded by saying that Donald Trump’s words were a “creepy physical threat” – and she’s right. We think Trump should have to take a DNA test to prove that he’s human – but he’d fail. And, as we spelled out before, Trump is far too cash-poor to come up with a million dollars on short notice anyway. Photo credit: Tim Pierce / CC-BY 2.0

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