An update on my health

Dear Palmer Report readers,

I want to thank everyone who has offered well wishes about my sinus procedure. So far everything has gone pretty much as expected. I’m still dealing with some side effects of the recovery process, but at this point I’m past the worst of it.

For those who have asked, the procedure I had is an alternative to traditional sinus surgery. It’s called balloon sinuplasty. There’s debate in medical circles as to whether or not balloon sinuplasty is technically considered surgery. To me it felt pretty non-invasive. Some of you have mentioned that you’ve also had this same procedure. It’s too early to know what kind of long term improvement it’ll give me, but the short term relief has made a huge difference.

I’ve had chronic sinus infections my entire life and always managed to keep them under control. But this one snuck up on me and became quite severe and dangerous before I finally took it seriously. The only advice I can offer is that if you have a long term sinus infection, be sure to go to an ear nose and throat specialist who can diagnose it in detail.

As far as fully getting back to work, I still have to take it somewhat easy for the next few days, but I should be able to cover news as it breaks. Here’s hoping for a week of good political news. As always, let’s keep fighting the good fight. We’re all in this together 🙂

Much thanks,
Bill Palmer

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