About that Doug Jones Attorney General leak

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The media is now leaking that former Democratic Senator Doug Jones is now a frontrunner to be Joe Biden’s Attorney General. Jones would make a great Attorney General. That said, these leaks about who’s “in consideration” or who’s the “frontrunner” keep turning out to be wrong nearly every time. In other words, they’re not legitimate leaks, and the media is just running with it for ratings.

This doesn’t mean that it won’t be Doug Jones. It just means that whatever the odds are of it being Doug Jones, a leak like this doesn’t increase those odds. These phony leaks have nothing to do with the actual process going on behind the scenes, and any overlap is coincidental. Remember when Tom Perez was supposedly “in consideration” for Attorney General just yesterday? Now the leak is Doug Jones.

It’s the latest reminder that these kinds of “in consideration” leaks aren’t really coming from Joe Biden or his team. Instead, people leak their own names, or the names of their allies, in the hope that the resulting attention will pressure Biden into moving that name further up the list.

Biden’s picks thus far have all ended up having no relation to the “in consideration” leaks, which means that these kinds of phony leaks aren’t having any impact on his decision making – nor would we expect them to. The key is for us to realize that these “in consideration” leaks aren’t real, and dismiss them accordingly, instead of getting excited or angry over them. They’re fantasy football and nothing more.

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