Michael Cohen addresses Prague report: “Mueller knows everything”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

The real reason Michael Cohen’s now-confirmed trip to Prague is so important

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

Donald Trump’s trip to Iraq was even more of a disaster than we thought

By Virginia Masters | Dec 27, 2018

It’s all coming out now

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

Enough is enough

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

Robert Mueller could be just five days from a massive victory over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 26, 2018

Nancy Pelosi zings Donald Trump over his shrinking wall gambit

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump idiotically exposes secret Navy SEAL mission during his Iraq visit

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end while speaking to troops in Iraq

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Matt Whitaker caught red handed

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Why can’t we just admit why Donald Trump really wants the $5 billion wall payment?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about his Iraq visit

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

So this explains why Air Force One was spotted over England today

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump reminds us just what a disaster he is

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s 25th Amendment math takes surreal turn

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Donald Trump just made his biggest mistake yet

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2018

Even conservatives are starting to admit that Donald Trump is finished

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Ted Lieu slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Donald Trump goes full Grinch on Christmas, calls America a “disgrace”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Now the Secretary of the Treasury too?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Donald Trump launches into deranged Christmas Day meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Here’s how Donald Trump gets impeached and removed

By Robert Harrington | Dec 25, 2018

Donald Trump takes his disturbing behavior to a whole new level

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s buddy Rand Paul goes completely off the deep end

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 25, 2018

Donald Trump gives away something shocking about his own government shutdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has unhinged “poor me” moment

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2018

Remaining U.S. military officials are now cutting off all contact with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2018

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