Robert Mueller set for New Years showdown in Supreme Court

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2019

Trump-Russia scandal takes surprising New Years turn in court

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 1, 2019

Here comes the cavalry

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2019

What was all that back there?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2018

No wall for you

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 31, 2018

Donald Trump caught pretending he’s in the Oval Office

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2018

Roger Stone has deranged meltdown ahead of his arrest

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2018

Yet another high profile Trump White House adviser appears to be on his way out

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump takes idiotic new approach to his imaginary wall

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

We’ve reached the Russian arms dealer stage of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

Donald Trump cuts and runs

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani has berserk meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

Why it’s so important that John Kelly is fessing up to Donald Trump’s biggest lies

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2018

Donald Trump is about to have his new year spoiled

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 29, 2018

Adam Schiff slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2018

Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown about the immigrant kids he got killed

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2018

Donald Trump’s wall shutdown continues to cave in on him

By Robert Harrington | Dec 29, 2018

House Republican majority goes out with a whimper – and a confession

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2018

Robert Mueller makes big Supreme Court move

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2018

Donald Trump blinks

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2018

Donald Trump Jr, Michael Cohen, and Prague

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2018

The smoking gun

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2018

Everything Donald Trump touches turns to excrement

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 28, 2018

Does this idiot have an off switch?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2018

Desperate Donald Trump resorts to retweeting President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump quotes some guy that no one has even heard of

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

Here’s how Michael Cohen can be telling the truth about Prague and the Trump-Russia dossier can be right anyway

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2018

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