GOP Senate begins caving on shutdown amid Donald Trump’s disastrous wall speech

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2019

Donald Trump has bizarre late night meltdown after failed Oval Office speech

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump gives the lamest Oval Office speech of all time

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

We now know a whole lot more about the identity of Robert Mueller’s mystery foreign government owned company

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Donald Trump sniffs his way through pointless half-awake border wall speech

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Kellyanne Conway has deranged profane meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Paul Manafort just admitted that the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers rigged the vote totals

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s idiotic speech tonight

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Paul Manafort’s lawyers screw up and make major reveal about Trump-Russia collusion

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Supreme Court sides with Robert Mueller, rules against mystery foreign-owned company

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Donald Trump is too immature and too stupid to survive what comes next

By Robert Harrington | Jan 8, 2019

Why the indictment of Trump Tower Russian lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya is really bad news for Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just played Donald Trump like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2019

Nice try, Rudy Giuliani, you lose!

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 7, 2019

Jimmy Carter calls out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Nancy Pelosi fires back after Donald Trump’s last ditch border stunt

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

“Knock it off” – federal judge tells off Robert Mueller’s latest courtroom adversary

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Mick Mulvaney gets laughed off of CNN

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Nice try, Donald Trump, you can’t stop Robert Mueller that way

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump’s “National Emergency” doesn’t stand a chance

By Bruce C. Cohen | Jan 7, 2019

Donald Trump tries deranged last ditch border stunt

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Donald Trump tips off that a major scandal bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Donald Trump caught lying about Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2019

Adam Schiff throws curveball at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2019

Ivanka Trump has a whole new problem

By Amy Fowler | Jan 6, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has humiliating meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2019

Ted Lieu: subpoenas are coming

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2019

Donald Trump throws a pity party at Camp David and no one shows up

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 6, 2019

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