Enough already with all this sexist and racist crap about Kamala Harris

By Wendy Luxenburg | Jan 30, 2019

Trey Gowdy reveals he’s exactly who we thought he was

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Donald Trump has bizarre illiterate meltdown after U.S. intel leaders sell him out

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Howard Schultz deletes disgusting tweet about Kamala Harris after massive backlash

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Robert Mueller just caught the Russians in the act

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Kamala Harris picks up another 2020 endorsement

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Roger Stone says Donald Trump is screwed

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

We warned you that this is what you have to fear most about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

It’s finally about to be Mitch McConnell’s time in the Trump-Russia barrel

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Down goes Tulsi Gabbard

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

House Democrats pile on after Donald Trump regime’s latest leak

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s latest secret meeting with Putin

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 29, 2019

Roger Stone’s indictment means imminent legal trouble for a certain Republican Congressman

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Now we know why Donald Trump went so berserk about the Rachel Maddow show last night

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Senator dishes on the criminal charges Donald Trump is facing

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump’s newly exposed secret meeting with Putin is so devastating to him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

This guy is dumber than a box of rocks

By Robert Harrington | Jan 29, 2019

Down goes Matthew Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Hey Roger Stone, I’ve got some bad news for you

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Donald Trump gets the book thrown at him

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 29, 2019

Donald Trump Jr still doesn’t get how screwed he is

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

The 2020 frontrunners have something in common

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Donald Trump is even more mentally incompetent than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Donald Trump gives away exactly where all those billions of dollars went

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

The real reason Jerome Corsi just threw Roger Stone under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Donald Trump desperately tries and fails to keep his base intact

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

It looks like Donald Trump was caught watching Rachel Maddow last night

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

Days after his arrest, Roger Stone is already circling the drain

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2019

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