Rachel Maddow fires back after WikiLeaks attacks her

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

Democratic Congressman rips into Donald Trump over his “complete meltdown”

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

One silver lining of Donald Trump’s nightmare presidency

By Tim Faulkner | Feb 1, 2019

Donald Trump just got played by Chuck Schumer

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

Donald Trump reveals he’s more petrified of Nancy Pelosi than ever

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

We told you something smelled bad about this new Donald Trump Jr phone call story

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

NRA leaders are acting like they’re about to get hit with criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

We might finally be about to get some answers about what really happened with Al Franken

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Adam Schiff casts doubt on new report about Donald Trump Jr’s phone calls

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Donald Trump Jr proves he’s even more of an idiot than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Mueller time? Multiple new sealed indictments just emerged from Robert Mueller’s favorite court

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

This new report about Donald Trump Jr’s phone calls is far too conveniently timed – and it doesn’t add up at all

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Donald Trump runs smack into his own wall

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 31, 2019

Robert Mueller hits the Roger Stone mother lode

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

New twist in the saga of how Steve Bannon “knew” Donald Trump would win Michigan

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Insider: Donald Trump’s failing 2020 reelection campaign is a “shitshow”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

The real reason Nancy Pelosi is letting Donald Trump show up and give the State of the Union

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

This is all too ridiculous to be real

By Virginia Masters | Jan 31, 2019

Chuck Schumer moves for a Trump intervention

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2019

Komrade Trump is circling the drain

By Daniel Cotter | Jan 31, 2019

Did Robert Mueller get to Rudy Giuliani?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Donald Trump’s tweet about the stock market backfired on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Now we know the earliest date that Robert Mueller can arrest Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Analyst says imminent indictments and arrests are coming for Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Really, Melania?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Senate Democrats set a trap for Donald Trump, and he walked right into it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

Yep, it’s truly Roger Stone’s time in the barrel

By Robert Harrington | Jan 30, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes completely off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2019

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