List emerges of the criminal charges SDNY is bringing against Donald Trump and his family

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

SDNY reveals it’s targeting Donald Trump, and maybe Mike Pence too

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

Here comes Hope Hicks’ day of reckoning

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

“YOU ABSOLUTE LUNATICS” – Donald Trump Jr goes berserk as Robert Mueller gets Jr’s perjury transcript

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

Donald Trump’s suspicious sudden silence

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

Donald Trump has no idea what just hit him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

The Russians reveal just how scared they are of what Robert Mueller is about to do next

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump just gave something big away about Robert Mueller’s report

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Deutsche Bank has sold out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Ted Cruz may have just given away a dirty secret about himself

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump has deranged pre-Super Bowl meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump’s message for Roger Stone: bon voyage!

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump just ridiculously ripped off President Obama again

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump Jr goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

The real reason Robert Mueller is trying to keep the identity of the mystery Trump-Russia company a secret

By Bill Palmer | Feb 3, 2019

Donald Trump Jr completely jumps the shark

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 2, 2019

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are “freaking out” over what’s about to happen to them

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

No wonder Lindsey Graham has gone bonkers

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump just brought the Dr. Ronny Jackson disaster back to the forefront

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

Donald Trump belongs in a rubber room

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 2, 2019

More terrible news for Howard Schultz

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

Now we’re REALLY wondering if Robert Mueller got to Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

Robert Mueller’s deafening silence grows louder

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2019

Donald Trump gets ripped to shreds

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

Donald Trump appears to be going for a senility defense

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

Roger Stone just got the worst news possible

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

Who was behind the fake “Blacks for Howard Schultz” Twitter account?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

The Donald Trump 2020 trap has been set

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2019

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