Adam Schiff just sent Donald Trump Jr to prison

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

SDNY has a new strategy for taking down Donald Trump’s kids

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

The clearest indicator yet of Donald Trump’s guilt

By Robert Harrington | Feb 6, 2019

Michael Cohen’s House Intel Committee testimony delayed, and a new item on the court docket may reveal why [UPDATED]

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

Ted Lieu rips into Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

Donald Trump just unwittingly spelled out the path to his own demise

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just made that look way too easy

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2019

Donald Trump shovels another load of bullshit

By Amy Fowler | Feb 6, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just totally owned Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

I told you so

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Well that’s about the dumbest thing he’s said yet

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Democratic House women push back against Donald Trump during stunning State of the Union moment

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Donald Trump sniffs his way though idiotic early portions of his State of the Union address

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Donald Trump hurls profane attack at Chuck Schumer behind the SOTU scenes

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Adam Schiff slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Ivanka Trump comes out swinging, gets torn to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Donald Trump’s inauguration scandal is connected to Donald Trump Jr’s Russia meeting at Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

The real reason House Democrats are busting out a subpoena against Matthew Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Editorial note: Palmer Report is expanding

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Donald Trump has surreal “human wall” meltdown ahead of State of the Union

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

The Kremlin comes out swinging for Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Rand Paul has meltdown after the rest of the GOP Senate begins turning against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

There’s no window dressing for these prison walls

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 5, 2019

Everything is happening at once now

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Rudy Giuliani has surreal midnight meltdown after getting caught up in SDNY criminal probe

By Bill Palmer | Feb 5, 2019

Donald Trump allegedly confessed his inauguration crimes to two witnesses, at least one of whom has testified against him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

Rudy Giuliani caught up in Donald Trump’s inauguration scandal

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

No wonder Donald Trump has been so suspiciously silent today

By Bill Palmer | Feb 4, 2019

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