It’s official: Robert Mueller has destroyed Paul Manafort once and for all

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2019

Donald Trump suffers bizarre Twitter malfunction

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s lies about abortion grow increasingly dangerous

By Wendy Luxenburg | Feb 13, 2019

This is out of control

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s White House golf scam exposed

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2019

Jared Kushner’s crime spree takes an even stranger turn

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 13, 2019

No wonder Michael Cohen has been playing keep-away from the congressional committees

By Bill Palmer | Feb 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s remaining supporters reach a whole new low

By Robert Harrington | Feb 12, 2019

Hillary Clinton just took a blowtorch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2019

The saga of Donald Trump, the National Enquirer, and Saudi Arabia takes an even more scandalous turn

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 12, 2019

Nice try, GOP Senator Richard Burr, but Donald Trump is going down

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 12, 2019

House Democrats just made a genius new hire heading into Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2019

Susan Collins’ days are numbered

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 12, 2019

Democratic Congressman Hakeem Jeffries slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2019

Here’s why the Senate Intel Committee report about Trump-Russia is a joke

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 12, 2019

Jared Kushner’s time in the barrel

By Chuck Wickenhofer | Feb 12, 2019

The real reason Trump supporters don’t care that he employs undocumented workers

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 12, 2019

These questions about Kamala Harris and her “blackness” are getting out of hand

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 12, 2019

The real story behind Michael Cohen’s latest delay in testifying before Congress

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2019

The Russians have a word for Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Feb 11, 2019

Qatar sells out Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2019

Donald Trump goes even more bizarrely off the rails

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 11, 2019

The real reason Elizabeth Warren says Donald Trump is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2019

Melania Trump has a whole new problem

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 11, 2019

Here’s the thing about this supposed new controversy between Robert Mueller and Adam Schiff

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2019

Amy Klobuchar just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2019

Donald Trump has somehow become even stupider

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2019

Vladimir Putin is still targeting us

By Rebecca Stallard Tolen | Feb 11, 2019

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