Donald Trump’s antics with Matt Whitaker just blew up in his face

By Amy Fowler | Feb 19, 2019

Donald Trump and his henchmen are having a really bad day

By Bill Palmer | Feb 19, 2019

Matt Whitaker’s perjury is confirmed – and it’s even worse for him than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Feb 19, 2019

Donald Trump’s nuclear scandal with Saudi Arabia is his most horrifying yet

By TR Kenneth | Feb 19, 2019

Worst fears confirmed: Donald Trump and Jared Kushner caught committing treason with Saudi Arabia

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 19, 2019

Roger Stone just got some bad news from the judge

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 19, 2019

This Donald Trump – Deutsche Bank subpoena story doesn’t add up

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 19, 2019

The real reason Roger Stone’s threat against the judge is such a disaster for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 19, 2019

Roger Stone and Donald Trump both just went off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

The Matt Whitaker perjury case takes an even stranger turn

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Donald Trump has deranged late night meltdown about going to the bathroom

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Enough with this nonsense about Rod Rosenstein resigning

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

This is a fight Donald Trump won’t win

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 18, 2019

Something big must be about to blow for Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 18, 2019

Roger Stone was always going to go out like this

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Roger Stone makes surreal emergency court filing after making threats against judge

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Alec Baldwin rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Roger Stone goes down the drain

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 18, 2019

Roger Stone has panicked meltdown after deleting his threats against federal judge

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Donald Trump, how dare you?

By Robert Harrington | Feb 18, 2019

Goodbye, Roger Stone!

By TR Kenneth | Feb 18, 2019

Yep, Roger Stone knows he just got himself sent to jail

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Looks like Roger Stone just got his bail revoked

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Donald Trump isn’t the only traitor here

By Tim Faulkner | Feb 18, 2019

Donald Trump gives away that something very ugly is about to surface

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s allies reveal just how terrified they are of what Adam Schiff is about to do next

By Tim Faulkner | Feb 17, 2019

The real story behind Donald Trump’s phony Baku hotel

By Isabel Stamm | Feb 17, 2019

Donald Trump seems to think his family is getting arrested any minute now

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2019

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