Duck and cover: Michael Cohen is already dropping bombshells

By TR Kenneth | Feb 27, 2019

Matt Gaetz begs for mercy after Nancy Pelosi drops the hammer on him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

The real reason Matt Gaetz just threw his life away

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen’s prepared statement about Donald Trump surfaces ahead of his public testimony, and it’s stunning

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Democrats tip off that Michael Cohen’s testimony will be even more devastating to Donald Trump than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Former Attorney General Eric Holder seems to think Donald Trump is about to get indicted

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Roger Stone has berserk meltdown, and he probably just finished himself off

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Matt Whitaker just got busted like a piñata

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Republicans in Congress hit the panic button, begin voting against Donald Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | Feb 26, 2019

Nancy Pelosi goes after Matt Gaetz over witness tampering

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Robert Mueller just won one of his biggest court battles

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

After committing felony witness tampering, Matt Gaetz makes it even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Looks like GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz just got himself rung up for felony witness tampering

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Michael Cohen’s thermonuclear bombshell

By TR Kenneth | Feb 26, 2019

How Donald Trump cheated

By Isabel Stamm | Feb 26, 2019

Vladimir Putin’s plan for world domination advances

By Robert Harrington | Feb 26, 2019

Get your popcorn: Michael Cohen has more dirt on Donald Trump than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

Expert: Robert Mueller has huge Trump-Russia fireworks coming with his final report

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2019

The brilliant move that Nancy Pelosi just pulled off against Donald Trump and the Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2019

What Rod Rosenstein was really trying to tell us today about William Barr and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2019

Donald Trump is already having a bad week, and it’s rapidly getting even worse

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 25, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the rails and is spiraling out of control

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2019

Donald Trump Jr goes on Fox & Friends and has surreal meltdown

By TR Kenneth | Feb 25, 2019

Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is right back at the center of Donald Trump’s scandals

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2019

The Russians appear to be crashing Donald Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 25, 2019

Michael Cohen is bringing the receipts to his public testimony against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2019

Sean Spicer is back and everything is horrible

By Amy Fowler | Feb 25, 2019

Robert Mueller sets his sights on the Republican Congress

By TR Kenneth | Feb 25, 2019

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