Federal judge makes remarkable declaration about Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

Donald Trump circles the drain

By Daniel Cotter | Feb 28, 2019

John Kelly sold out Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

Donald Trump’s exploding scandals are spiraling out of control

By James Sullivan | Feb 28, 2019

Allen Weisselberg prepares to burn Donald Trump and his family to the ground

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

Get your popcorn: Donald Trump’s favorite Russian mafia money launderer Felix Sater is testifying in public

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

The real damage Michael Cohen just did to Donald Trump

By Chuck Wickenhofer | Feb 28, 2019

It’s over for Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

Donald Trump’s failure is complete

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

There’s something really weird going on with Donald Trump’s campaign website

By Ron Leshnower | Feb 28, 2019

We found Donald Trump’s henchman Matthew Calamari, and he’s a complete idiot

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

The end of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2019

House Republicans come out swinging at Michael Cohen, punch themselves in the face instead

By BD Holly | Feb 28, 2019

Michael Cohen’s win over Donald Trump was even bigger than you think

By Chuck Wickenhofer | Feb 27, 2019

Donald Trump Jr screws up and admits Michael Cohen is telling the truth

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

The real reason today’s Michael Cohen testimony was such a disaster for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

House Republicans go completely off the deep end after Michael Cohen mops the floor with them

By TR Kenneth | Feb 27, 2019

Donald Trump Jr goes berserk after Michael Cohen incriminates him

By Chuck Wickenhofer | Feb 27, 2019

Did Michael Cohen just confirm that Sean Hannity is under criminal investigation?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Mike Pence could see ouster before Donald Trump

By BD Holly | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen just buried the Republican Party

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 27, 2019

Roger Stone just blew it royally over Michael Cohen’s testimony

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen just incriminated Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr

By Cheryl Kelley | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen reveals SDNY is criminally targeting someone really close to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen may have just sent Donald Trump Jr to prison

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

Michael Cohen just stuck a dagger into Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Feb 27, 2019

Donald Trump has dual disasters playing out in real time

By Ron Leshnower | Feb 27, 2019

Donald Trump wakes up in Vietnam and finds out his entire life has gone to hell

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2019

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