The sky just fell on Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

Donald Trump just stepped into the trap that Elijah Cummings set for him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Ty Cobb has sold him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

Looks like Roger Stone is going to jail next week

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

New York State just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

House Democrats just took aim squarely at the Trump Organization

By Isabel Stamm | Mar 5, 2019

Trey Gowdy goes off the deep end after his old committee targets Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 5, 2019

House Democrats make criminal referral against Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

Donald Trump is more out of control than ever

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 5, 2019

Donald Trump suffers bizarre Twitter malfunction

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2019

Donald Trump goes off the deep end after House Judiciary Committee takes a blowtorch to his entire life

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Confirmed: the SDNY is criminally targeting Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Hope Hicks and Rhona Graff are in real trouble

By TR Kenneth | Mar 4, 2019

Ted Lieu reveals why the House Judiciary Committee is really targeting Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

So this explains Sean Hannity’s crime spree

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Be worst: Melania Trump goes off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 4, 2019

Robert Mueller has had enough of Roger Stone’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

The real reason Matt Whitaker just quit his brand new Department of Justice job

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

The sheer genius of leaving Ivanka Trump off the House Judiciary Committee list

By TR Kenneth | Mar 4, 2019

Looks like the House Judiciary Committee knows something about Donald Trump’s secret meetings with Putin

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Here’s why Ivanka Trump isn’t on today’s House Judiciary Committee target list

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Donald Trump’s underlings have been secretly documenting his crimes all along

By James Sullivan | Mar 4, 2019

Double checking the House Judiciary Committee’s new target list

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 4, 2019

House Judiciary Committee releases target list of Donald Trump associates, and it’s even more massive than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Donald Trump’s lack of historical knowledge has failed him yet again

By Robert Harrington | Mar 4, 2019

Exposed: Fox News and its boss Rupert Murdoch rigged the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

It’s all over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

Donald Trump’s day of reckoning is finally upon us

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2019

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