Adam Schiff just laid the groundwork for hauling in Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump can’t massage his way out of this scandal

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump sounds like a man who knows his time is up

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump is the all-time loser

By Amy Fowler | Mar 10, 2019

The calm before the storm

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump’s latest manufactured crisis goes off a cliff

By James Sullivan | Mar 9, 2019

The real reason Felix Sater’s public testimony just got delayed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders might be Keyser Soze after all

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

Just how far down the Trump-Russia rabbit hole did the CIA go?

By TR Kenneth | Mar 9, 2019

Why is Amazon already selling the Robert Mueller report?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

Donald Trump’s rage spirals out of control

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 9, 2019

Donald Trump launches berserk attack on Ann Coulter, gives something away in the process

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

No wonder Matt Whitaker ran away screaming

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

This just keeps getting worse for Jared Kushner

By Adrienne Lilly | Mar 9, 2019

Erik Prince just threw Donald Trump Jr and Stephen Miller under the bus

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 9, 2019

“Fake Melania Trump” body double scandal spirals out of control

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

Donald Trump’s balancing act is backfiring on him

By Adrienne Lilly | Mar 9, 2019

So this is how Donald Trump turns to dust

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2019

Down goes Erik Prince

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 8, 2019

Hey Matt Gaetz, you’ve got some explaining to do on this one [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

Robert Mueller’s big Friday

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 8, 2019

Someone in the White House must REALLY want to take Ivanka Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

Elijah Cummings just played Donald Trump like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

Donald Trump’s sex trafficking scandals just keep getting worse

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 8, 2019

Donald Trump’s buddy Erik Prince just got busted for felony perjury

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

Last one out of Donald Trump’s White House, turn out the lights

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

Adam Schiff slam dunks Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Mar 8, 2019

Donald Trump just screwed himself on the Michael Cohen pardon thing

By Bill Palmer | Mar 8, 2019

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