Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about Albert Einstein

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

The real reason Nancy Pelosi is pretending she’s not going to impeach Donald Trump

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 12, 2019

The real reason the Republicans are already targeting Beto O’Rourke for 2020

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump is who we thought he was

By James Sullivan | Mar 12, 2019

That’s not how any of this works

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump’s Orwellian nightmare

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 11, 2019

New York State just dropped the subpoena hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

Don’t lose the plot when it comes to Donald Trump’s ouster

By TR Kenneth | Mar 11, 2019

Roger Stone just blew it with the judge

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

Report: Robert Mueller pursuing indictments of several Donald Trump family members

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

The real reason putting the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee is such a brilliant move

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

Donald Trump just blew it big time

By Chuck Wickenhofer | Mar 11, 2019

Donald Trump’s Space Force crashes and burns

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

Nancy Pelosi is playing rope-a-dope with Donald Trump on impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

Is William Barr getting outplayed by Robert Mueller?

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 11, 2019

Donald Trump is even further gone than we thought

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 11, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally does a press briefing, and it goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

The inherent danger in allowing Donald Trump to lose

By Robert Harrington | Mar 11, 2019

Donald Trump just made the “Tim Apple” thing even worse

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

The takedown of Matt Whitaker is going to be a sight to see

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

The deadly Donald Trump scandal that no one is talking about

By James Sullivan | Mar 11, 2019

Here’s just how low the bar is for the Republican Party these days

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2019

John Bolton goes off the rails as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 10, 2019

Even Donald Trump’s allies know he’s about to get flushed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2019

This whole Kellyanne Conway thing just keeps getting stranger

By James Sullivan | Mar 10, 2019

The real reason Erik Prince just confessed in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump’s sex trafficking scandals are getting uglier by the minute

By TR Kenneth | Mar 10, 2019

Donald Trump runs smack into a wall

By Robert Harrington | Mar 10, 2019

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