Looks like Ivanka Trump is a primary target of the investigation after all

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump just screwed over the Republican Senate, and it won’t end well for either of them

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr just got really bad news out of New York State

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Matt Whitaker is now a cooperating obstruction of justice witness against Donald Trump. Turns out he’s not the first.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump just walked right into Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment trap

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Smoking gun surfaces against Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Matt Whitaker just flipped on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Bad news for Donald Trump on the RICO front

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump Jr has no idea what’s about to hit him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Moments after his sentencing, Paul Manafort gets hit with SIXTEEN more felony charges

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Judge Amy Berman Jackson just sent an unmistakable message to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

It’s official: Paul Manafort’s life is over, and Donald Trump is next

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump reminds us yet again just how stupid his base is

By Robert Harrington | Mar 13, 2019

The Republican Party is a bunch of sniveling weaklings

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump belongs in a rubber room

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown after New York targets him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 13, 2019

Paul Manafort won’t like what’s about to happen to him next

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Lock them up!

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 12, 2019

Tucker Carlson’s suspiciously timed Fox News “vacation”

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump may indeed be to blame for these plane crashes

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Sounds like Michael Flynn gave up everything on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump’s Cindy Yang scandal just reached critical mass

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Things just got ugly between Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump goes totally bonkers after New York State targets his assets

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Nancy Pelosi gives the boot to Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Adam Schiff hints at Nancy Pelosi’s real strategy to take down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump just unwittingly handed the Democrats a huge gift

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 12, 2019

Donald Trump Jr reveals just how much of a blithering idiot he is

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2019

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