Donald Trump belongs in a padded cell

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 17, 2019

Nancy Pelosi’s reverse psychology on impeachment is already working perfectly

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Donald Trump just declared war against Fox News, and it won’t end well for either of them

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Donald Trump is even more senile than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Hey Donald Trump, tick tock…

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 17, 2019

Lindsey Graham swings and misses and falls down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

The moral imperative of being intolerant toward Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Mar 17, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump swings and misses at John McCain

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Power rankings: 2020 Democratic presidential primary race

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Attorney General William Barr is exactly who we thought he was

By Bill Palmer | Mar 17, 2019

Donald Trump just made it easier for Senate Republicans to dump him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump is to blame for white supremacist terrorism. Chelsea Clinton is not.

By David Weissman | Mar 16, 2019

Fox News pulls Judge Jeanine Pirro off the air after racist tirade

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump wants you to know that he really, really hates America

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

The one thing Donald Trump fears most

By TR Kenneth | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump launches berserk attack on John McCain, gives something away in the process

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump just got his legs kicked out from under him

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump, you’ve got to be kidding

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

Donald Trump’s body count just keeps rising

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2019

The 72 hour countdown to the dismantling of Donald Trump’s whole world

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

Donald Trump’s Russia scandal takes surreal new turn

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 15, 2019

Elijah Cummings drops the hammer on Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump is even more bonkers than usual today

By TR Kenneth | Mar 15, 2019

Donald Trump Jr is circling the drain

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

Lindsey Graham is being blackmailed and everyone knows it

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 15, 2019

Rick Gates and Robert Mueller just revealed they have something big coming

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

Here’s how I know Donald Trump is going down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

Ivanka Trump just got totally owned

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2019

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