Robert Mueller’s weird new April Fools Day extension sets off all the alarms

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

What the startling new numbers from Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke really tell us

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Donald Trump administration publishes bizarre list of fake White House interns

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 19, 2019

Seventy-three Donald Trump associates suddenly have a big problem on their hands

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Controversy erupts after Bernie Sanders makes two scandalous new hires for his 2020 campaign

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

The real reason Rod Rosenstein is staying at the DOJ longer after all

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Donald Trump’s next disturbing attempt at emulating Vladimir Putin

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 19, 2019

What today’s newly released Michael Cohen search warrant documents really tell us

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Donald Trump just made the Kellyanne Conway – George Conway debacle even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Donald Trump’s steaming pile of crap just got even more toxic

By Robert Harrington | Mar 19, 2019

The race is on to sell Donald Trump out

By Bill Palmer | Mar 19, 2019

Donald Trump has a whole new Fox News problem

By Adrienne Lilly | Mar 18, 2019

Rudy Giuliani may have just given away why Donald Trump is freaking out so badly

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s Buffalo Bills scandal is even uglier than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Now we know for sure that Steve Bannon sold out Donald Trump to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Anthony Kennedy and his son were even more deeply involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s Elliott Broidy and Michael Cohen scandals are suddenly coming to a head

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s sudden shift in his insult pattern gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump just lost the document request game

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump can’t even figure out what he’s lying about anymore

By Shirley Kennedy | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s Cindy Yang scandal just got real

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

We’re now just hours away from learning a lot more about Michael Cohen’s dirt on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Feds raided office of Donald Trump’s pal Elliott Broidy, and it’s going to get very ugly

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

The GOP is walking into a Donald Trump 2020 trap

By BD Holly | Mar 18, 2019

Republican Party faces blowback after deranged attack against Beto O’Rourke

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Senate Republicans are trying to hurry up and finish their dirty work before Donald Trump is ousted

By Isabel Stamm | Mar 18, 2019

Today is going to be a crucial day in Donald Trump’s criminal scandals

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

Donald Trump tips off that he thinks a major bombshell is about to land on him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 18, 2019

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