This doesn’t pass the smell test

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

Team Trump is now sitting on a ticking timebomb

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 27, 2019

The GOP Congress just made a huge mistake

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

Adam Schiff defies the Trump-Barr coverup, confirms Trump Russia collusion

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

New grand jury revelation makes clear that there is something very, very wrong with how the Robert Mueller investigation got shut down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

Why I won’t ever apologize to Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Mar 27, 2019

The Mueller report just keeps looking worse for Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Mar 27, 2019

William Barr is playing an even more dangerous game than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

Robert Mueller’s mystery company court battle has suddenly become like something out of Night of the Living Dead

By Bill Palmer | Mar 27, 2019

Donald Trump is popping the wrong champagne in the wrong direction at the wrong time for the wrong reasons and it’s blowing up in his face

By Daniel Cotter | Mar 26, 2019

Donald Trump has utterly deranged late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

The sinking of the Trumptanic is fully underway

By TR Kenneth | Mar 26, 2019

Wait, Donald Trump tried to do WHAT to President Obama?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

Maxine Waters reveals she has Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank records

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

The Trump-Barr coverup of the Mueller report is already unraveling in real time

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

Everyone take a deep breath

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

The new battlefront for defeating Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Mar 26, 2019

Donald Trump is in a whole lot more trouble right now than he thinks he is

By BD Holly | Mar 26, 2019

Donald Trump is off to the races

By Bill Palmer | Mar 26, 2019

Rudy Giuliani is already blowing it on Donald Trump’s “exoneration” narrative

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell just provided a roadmap for defeating the Trump-Barr coverup

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

Lindsey Graham just screwed up and undermined Donald Trump’s “witch hunt” narrative

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

Robert Mueller got betrayed – now what?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

Donald Trump’s “total exoneration” meltdown gives something away

By Ron Leshnower | Mar 25, 2019

Robert Mueller reveals subpoena battle over mystery foreign government-owned company is still ongoing

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

Donald Trump regime begins telling TV news networks which specific people to kick off the air

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

The Republicans’ 2020 prospects just went off a cliff

By Cheryl Kelley | Mar 25, 2019

House Democrats quickly move forward with plan to force the release of the Robert Mueller report [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Mar 25, 2019

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