It’s time for Robert Mueller to end this

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

Donald Trump gives away that he knows he’s about to get exposed on obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

Nancy Pelosi slam dunks Donald Trump and William Barr

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

New York State moves to expose Donald Trump’s tax returns, and there’s nothing Trump can do to stop it

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 10, 2019

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin makes stunning move over Donald Trump’s tax returns that could land Mnuchin in jail

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

Donald Trump’s Day of the Long Knives

By Robert Harrington | Apr 10, 2019

William Barr’s new testimony today about the Mueller report was a complete disaster

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

Donald Trump is frantic, unhinged, and circling the drain

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 10, 2019

We can’t allow Donald Trump to get away with this

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 10, 2019

Donald Trump doesn’t even know what planet he’s on

By Bill Palmer | Apr 10, 2019

Donald Trump takes his big swing

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 9, 2019

Hey William Barr, what are you going to do now?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2019

Maxine Waters totally owns Steve Mnuchin while he’s testifying before her House committee

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2019

William Barr just revealed who he really is, and it’s worse than we thought

By Cheryl Kelley | Apr 9, 2019

Trump can run but he can’t hide

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2019

Donald Trump is truly panicking

By BD Holly | Apr 9, 2019

William Barr just gave the wrong answer about the Mueller report

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2019

House Democrats can get the Mueller report even before the subpoena kicks in

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 9, 2019

Donald Trump is spinning maniacally out of control

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 9, 2019

Donald Trump tweets “Thanks you Charles” then deletes it, and everyone is confused

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2019

William Barr is about to have a very bad day tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2019

Kirstjen Nielsen’s monstrous legacy is now set in stone

By Robert Harrington | Apr 8, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump just fired the head of the Secret Service

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2019

Donald Trump’s deconstruction of the American democracy is accelerating at a staggering rate

By Isabel Stamm | Apr 8, 2019

Donald Trump sounds like a guy who’s in need of immediate medical attention

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2019

Donald Trump’s day of reckoning

By TR Kenneth | Apr 8, 2019

Total chaos: Donald Trump just shoved even more of his own people out the White House back door

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2019

Donald Trump apparently thinks it’s opposite day

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 8, 2019

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