William Barr is panicking

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Donald Trump just blinked

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

The strange tale of Donald Trump, Rick Scott, and the Russian rigging of the 2016 election

By BD Holly | Apr 26, 2019

William Barr and Rod Rosenstein are going to end up sharing a cell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Adam Schiff knows something we don’t

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

NRA implodes

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Donald Trump comes completely unglued

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Joe Biden just baited Donald Trump into harming himself

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Rod Rosenstein exposed as a traitor

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Donald Trump’s latest fiction goes completely off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 26, 2019

Welcome to uncharted territory

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2019

Looks like House Democrats really are about to arrest Trump officials who don’t cooperate

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump screws up and unwittingly waives whatever was left of his executive privilege

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end as Joe Biden enters the 2020 race

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

Get your popcorn ready: William Barr is getting hauled in to answer for his lies about the Mueller report

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump gives away just how scared he is of what Don McGahn is about to do to him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

The Donald Trump impeachment question we can’t ignore

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 25, 2019

Here comes the impeachment hammer

By BD Holly | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump is even more of a fragile snowflake than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

How the Democrats can retake the Senate from Mitch McConnell

By James Sullivan | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to go overseas and humiliate himself

By Robert Harrington | Apr 25, 2019

House Democrats are seeking to put Donald Trump’s obstructors in jail after all

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2019

Donald Trump can’t even read

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s effort to conceal his tax returns just took a blow

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump has to be impeached

By David Weissman | Apr 24, 2019

New York State obtains Donald Trump’s financial records

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s worsening obstruction of justice antics won’t end well for him

By TR Kenneth | Apr 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s stupidity has become a broken record

By Bill Palmer | Apr 24, 2019

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