Rod Rosenstein just made a huge mistake in his resignation letter

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

What is Jerry Nadler really up to when it comes to William Barr?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

Donald Trump goes berserk as William Barr’s plan falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end after Joe Biden gets under his skin again

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

Donald Trump reaches a new milestone for terribleness

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 29, 2019

Rod Rosenstein cuts and runs

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

House Judiciary Committee just called William Barr’s bluff

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

Donald Trump just found a way to make the world an even more dangerous place

By Robert Harrington | Apr 29, 2019

House Judiciary Committee hints at plan to make Donald Trump implode

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

William Barr’s desperate end-around play

By Bill Palmer | Apr 29, 2019

Donald Trump’s strangely silent 24 hours are leading up to something big

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2019

Donald Trump just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

By Shirley Kennedy | Apr 28, 2019

Donald Trump’s White House henchmen caught in the middle of something that’s about to end very badly for them

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2019

Jerry Nadler has had enough of William Barr’s crap

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 28, 2019

Trump and the Republicans have found their 2020 big lie

By Robert Harrington | Apr 28, 2019

We told you William Barr is panicking

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2019

Mike Pence comes out of hiding and makes things even worse for himself and Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Apr 28, 2019

House Judiciary Committee member Steve Cohen slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 28, 2019

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Fox News exposes his crimes

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end during rally

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

The real reason the Republicans are suddenly starting to admit Russia rigged Florida for Trump in the 2016 election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Donald Trump’s own handlers admit he’s a “complete and utter disaster”

By James Sullivan | Apr 27, 2019

The real reason NRA leaders are suddenly eating each other alive

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets ripped to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Dotard Donald strikes again

By Ron Leshnower | Apr 27, 2019

Donald Trump just made a total mess of the NFL Draft

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

Donald Trump finds a way to sink to a whole new low

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 27, 2019

It sure does look like William Barr was the anonymous source for the Rod Rosenstein “land the plane” bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2019

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