Donald Trump’s downfall was always going to come back to Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

No wonder Robert Mueller has been waiting to testify

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump’s Michael Flynn moment of truth will arrive in a few hours

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Here comes everything

By Shirley Kennedy | May 16, 2019

William Barr suddenly has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump’s Iran narrative is falling to pieces

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

The Michael Flynn thing is about to get even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

Donald Trump has meltdown on Air Force One

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

Turns out Michael Flynn gave Robert Mueller a smoking gun about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

This shows just how broke Donald Trump is

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

Donald Trump’s failing White House is even more of a chaotic mess than we thought

By James Sullivan | May 16, 2019

Donald Trump has yet another big problem on his hands

By James Sullivan | May 16, 2019

Donald Trump screws up and hands major legal leverage to House Democrats

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2019

Here’s just how badly Alabama has screwed up with its anti-abortion law

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump just pardoned one of his buddies for obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump and his goon squad are in over their heads

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump’s fantasy world is crumbling

By Robert Harrington | May 15, 2019

The importance of Nancy Pelosi’s “handcuffs” exchange today with William Barr

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump goes berserk as his Iran scheme falls apart

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Impeach the lunatic!

By Robert Harrington | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump is even further gone than we thought

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Lindsey Graham is completely cracking

By Daniel Cotter | May 15, 2019

Rod Rosenstein sinks to a whole new pro-Trump low

By Ron Leshnower | May 15, 2019

Adam Schiff reveals his backdoor strategy to take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2019

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to screw himself

By BD Holly | May 14, 2019

Donald Trump is out of time

By TR Kenneth | May 14, 2019

Donald Trump Jr only has three options from here, and they’re all bad

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2019

Can we stop with this crap about Donald Trump invading Iran?

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2019

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