Donald Trump just got hit by a one-two-three punch

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2019

The GOP’s deafening silence today might be the worst sign for Donald Trump yet

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely berserk after Deutsche Bank accuses him of being a Russian money launderer

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2019

The real reason Deutsche Bank is choosing now to finally accuse Donald Trump of Russian money laundering

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2019

Donald Trump reveals he’s somehow even more sick and twisted than we thought

By Ron Leshnower | May 19, 2019

SNL unwittingly reveals that no one understands how badly Donald Trump is getting his ass kicked right now

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2019

Donald Trump just got backed into a no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just got lucky – or did she?

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

Forces are aligning against Donald Trump from within

By BD Holly | May 18, 2019

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown after everything goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

Donald Trump caught committing a crime while aboard Air Force One

By Ron Leshnower | May 18, 2019

The Mueller report dissolves into a three ring circus

By Robert Harrington | May 18, 2019

GOP Congressman Justin Amash just did House Democrats a huge favor when it comes to Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

The real reason Robert Mueller hasn’t testified yet

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

Donald Trump’s disturbing new snitching tool

By Isabel Stamm | May 18, 2019

The real reason William Barr will end up behind bars

By Tim Faulkner | May 18, 2019

Trump and the GOP just found a way to sink to a whole new low

By James Sullivan | May 18, 2019

How screwed is Mike Pence?

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2019

Donald Trump has yet another Florida panhandle scandal

By Ron Leshnower | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump’s goon squad is trying to hurry up and finish the job

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Down goes William Barr

By TR Kenneth | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the rails during speech and has profane meltdown

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump and William Barr are spiraling out of control

By Daniel Cotter | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump just gave Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks every motivation to publicly testify against him

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump screws himself yet again

By James Sullivan | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump throws Michael Flynn under the bus

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

Donald Trump’s financial house of cards is collapsing

By Ron Leshnower | May 17, 2019

Ukraine sticks it to Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2019

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