By Isabel Stamm | Aug 5, 2019

The real reason Trump and the GOP are suddenly pushing gun control legislation

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Put the Second Amendment out of its misery

By Robert Harrington | Aug 5, 2019

Holy Toledo, Donald Trump is full of crap

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Sick twisted Mitch McConnell openly celebrates the “death” of his 2020 opponent

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Donald Trump sends the stock market off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Republican state Senator rips Donald Trump and the GOP to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Yet another House Republican calls it quits as Donald Trump takes the party down with him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Here comes Donald Trump’s stock market disaster

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

God have mercy on us all

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 4, 2019

Mitch McConnell broke his shoulder. Then his day managed to get even worse for him.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Donald Trump is in total freefall

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Geraldo Rivera goes completely off the deep end as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Kellyanne Conway totally humiliates herself

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Mitch McConnell takes a tumble

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Donald Trump goes AWOL

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Donald Trump is even more of a Saudi puppet than we thought

By BD Holly | Aug 4, 2019

Donald Trump is truly rattled

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

How to stop Donald Trump and his bigoted supporters in their tracks

By Robert Harrington | Aug 4, 2019

The real damage Donald Trump is doing to us

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 4, 2019

Lindsey Graham has a real problem

By James Sullivan | Aug 4, 2019

Elijah Cummings just gave away when Donald Trump’s impeachment is going to happen

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2019

Mitch McConnell just got ratioed

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2019

The real reason the El Paso Walmart shooting is Donald Trump’s fault

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2019

Donald Trump gets destroyed for his asinine response to the El Paso Walmart shooting

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2019

Donald Trump’s immigrant child concentration camp scandal takes a particularly ugly turn

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2019

Democrats take their big swing at Donald Trump’s tax returns

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 3, 2019

The El Paso Walmart shooting, white nationalist manifestos, Nazi inspired tweets, and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2019

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