Donald Trump’s visit to El Paso goes off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 7, 2019

Tucker Carlson gets eaten alive

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

Nice try, Donald Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 7, 2019

Beto O’Rourke gets a helping hand from Kamala Harris

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

Morning Joe Scarborough hits Donald Trump where it hurts

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

Beto O’Rourke fires back after Donald Trump has El Paso meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

Joaquin Castro slam dunks the Republicans after they attack him for doing the right thing

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

Donald Trump is already turning his El Paso visit into a total crap fest

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2019

El Paso Congresswoman tells Donald Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff just put a very real time stamp on the start of Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Mitch McConnell strikes again

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

The internet teaches Ted Cruz a lesson he so richly deserves

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Donald Trump has embarrassing new scandal in El Paso

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 6, 2019

The real reason U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman just resigned

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Joaquin Castro just did the right thing, and Trump supporters are howling mad

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Donald Trump just took President Obama’s bait

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Mitch McConnell gets slam dunked

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Donald Trump knows where this is headed

By TR Kenneth | Aug 6, 2019

Peter Strzok’s revenge

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Donald Trump just accidentally gave himself his most humiliating new nickname yet

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

You had to see this one coming a mile away

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 6, 2019

America isn’t finished yet, I swear it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

Republican State Senator finds himself in an ugly mess for telling the truth about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2019

GOP runs and hides

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Donald Trump the chump

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 5, 2019

El Paso Mayor throws up his hands over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Donald Trump’s no good, very bad, horrible day just keeps getting worse for him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

Looks like Donald Trump is getting hit with more terrible news tomorrow morning

By Bill Palmer | Aug 5, 2019

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