The “chosen one” just chose poorly

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Donald Trump just made the Amazon rainforest fire crisis even worse

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Someone get this guy a straitjacket

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 23, 2019

I didn’t know a person could be this stupid

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Donald Trump gets lambasted for making inappropriate joke about stock market collapse

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Donald Trump reaches a new low

By James Sullivan | Aug 23, 2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s Sean Spicer debacle

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Donald Trump just opened his mouth and the stock market went off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump is acting out like this

By BD Holly | Aug 23, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just completely screwed Donald Trump over

By Bill Palmer | Aug 23, 2019

Another top Trump adviser bites the dust

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

Donald Trump just went there

By Robert Harrington | Aug 22, 2019

Maria Butina sex scandal takes surreal new turn

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes off the Fox News deep end

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

Joe Walsh’s 2020 primary challenge really can finish Donald Trump off

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

Donald Trump goes off a cliff

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 22, 2019

Even Fox News thinks Donald Trump is circling the drain

By Shirley Kennedy | Aug 22, 2019

Going off the rails on a crazy train

By TR Kenneth | Aug 22, 2019

Democratic Congressman unloads on “barking mad, batsh*t crazy” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

Donald Trump just went on yet another antisemitic tirade

By Bill Palmer | Aug 22, 2019

The real reason Jay Inslee just dropped out

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

Now we know why the Trump regime leaked the story about Donald Trump wanting to buy Greenland

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

Turns out the “Trump economy” is even more screwed than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

Prime Minister of Iceland gives Donald Trump the finger

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

Mike Pence’s day of reckoning just arrived

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

Donald Trump just went even further off the lunatic deep end

By Ron Leshnower | Aug 21, 2019

Impeachment and 25th Amendment buzz increases as Donald Trump goes completely whackadoodle

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

There’s something bizarre going on right now with Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley

By Bill Palmer | Aug 21, 2019

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