John Bolton begins his power grab

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Michael Cohen just cut a new deal with New York state prosecutors against the Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Bill Barr makes absurd new move to soothe Donald Trump’s hurt feelings about being impeached

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

The emoluments case against Donald Trump has been reinstated in court at the worst possible time for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

“Not guilty by reason of mental defect”

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Andrew McCabe strikes back

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s GOP Senate pal Martha McSally is in deep trouble

By James Sullivan | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump’s failed Taliban stunt just turned into a disastrous televised debacle for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump is not well

By Virginia Masters | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump gets blown off the stage

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump is drowning

By Shirley Kennedy | Sep 13, 2019

Mike Pence just keeps digging himself a deeper hole

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump is even more underwater than we thought

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 13, 2019

The House impeachment process is already turning Donald Trump into mush

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2019

Donald Trump gives disastrous speech in Baltimore and comes off like what little was left of his brain has completely melted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Tonight’s Democratic debate: the biggest winners and losers

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Turns out Donald Trump’s supposed indictment of Andrew McCabe may not even exist

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

New York State lines up witnesses and prepares to drop the hammer on Donald Trump and the Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Donald Trump visits Baltimore, and it’s a complete disaster

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

We’re only a few hours into Donald Trump’s impeachment, and Trump is already soiling himself

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

The real reason tonight’s Democratic 2020 primary debate is so important

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Donald Trump’s own Turnberry resort staffers just gave him up

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump is having Andrew McCabe indicted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Chinese spy at Mar-a-Lago story takes another strange turn

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Donald Trump’s Russia scandal takes an even uglier turn

By Isabel Stamm | Sep 12, 2019

Here’s just how badly Donald Trump is screwing the GOP in 2020

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

Donald Trump finally kept a campaign promise – and it’s a complete disaster

By James Sullivan | Sep 12, 2019

Say hello to Donald Trump’s de facto new National Security Adviser

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2019

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