Elizabeth Warren comes out swinging in favor of Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2019

Yep, the Democrats really can retake the Senate in 2020

By James Sullivan | Sep 22, 2019

Donald Trump just put a member of Congress in danger – again

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 22, 2019

The 2020 election is going to come down to this one thing

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2019

Get ready for Donald Trump’s big debacle at the United Nations

By Robert Harrington | Sep 21, 2019

Cory Booker sounds the alarm

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump is going to hate this brand new tell-all book about him

By BD Holly | Sep 21, 2019

The real reason Donald Trump is sending troops to Saudi Arabia

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Rudy Giuliani somehow just managed to go even further off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump just gave something away about his whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Melania Trump has a whole new problem

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 21, 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu reaches the groveling stage in his downfall – and Donald Trump should take note of what’s coming next

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump just had a psychotic meltdown about the Ukraine whistleblower

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump is fully triggered

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump’s latest anti-military stunt is a whole new low – even for him

By James Sullivan | Sep 21, 2019

In the end, Donald Trump had no one left to do his dirty work for him – and that’s why it’s all over for him now

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump threw huge money at Ukraine last week in last ditch effort to bury whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Knock off this idiotic nonsense about Nancy Pelosi

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2019

Donald Trump’s response to his Ukraine treason scandal is unhinged on a mind boggling level

By Isabel Stamm | Sep 20, 2019

Here’s the precise moment Donald Trump became motivated to try to pull off the Ukraine treason thing

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

Mike Pence is in even deeper Ukraine treason trouble than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

Nice try, Mitch McConnell

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 20, 2019

Nancy Pelosi knows something we don’t about Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

Jail to the Chief

By Robert Harrington | Sep 20, 2019

Donald Trump panicked and asked president of Ukraine eight times in a row to help Rudy Giuliani rig the 2020 election

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown as his Ukraine whistleblower scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

It’s a really bad day to be Mike Pence

By James Sullivan | Sep 20, 2019

Turns out John Bolton really is going for Donald Trump’s legs

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2019

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