Mike Pence is in deep impeachment trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Trump White House goes into a total panic over impeachment, sends out its Ukraine talking points to the Democrats by mistake

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Looks like the Inspector General set a trap and Donald Trump walked right into it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

This “summary” of Donald Trump’s Ukraine phone call cuts out three-quarters of the most damning stuff

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

No wonder Rudy Giuliani has been going so far off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Donald Trump has complete meltdown in front of the television cameras after his Ukraine scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Bill Barr is finished

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019


By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Donald Trump just sank to a whole new low

By Ron Leshnower | Sep 25, 2019

The Inspector General has filed a criminal complaint against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Here’s the smoking gun in Donald Trump’s Ukraine whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Rudy Giuliani begins screaming “shut up idiot” on live television during crazed meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2019

Donald Trump has psychotic late night impeachment meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes completely off the deep end as his world falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Donald Trump’s own people begin throwing him under the bus as it becomes clear that his whistleblower scandal is going to take him down

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Rachel Maddow just asked the right question about Donald Trump’s impeachment, and I think I know the answer

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

GOP House leaders go off the deep end over Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

It’s about to get a whole lot uglier

By TR Kenneth | Sep 24, 2019

GOP Senator throws Donald Trump under the bus after Nancy Pelosi announces impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Looks like Donald Trump is taking a Sharpie to his Ukraine phone call transcript

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Donald Trump privately begged Nancy Pelosi for mercy as impeachment was coming down against him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Donald Trump posts completely whacked out video after Nancy Pelosi announces he’s being impeached

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

GOP Senate hits the panic button as Donald Trump’s impeachment gets underway

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown after Nancy Pelosi announces his impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Nancy Pelosi just announced Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

“Too little too late” – top House Democrat explains why it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

Donald Trump just called Nancy Pelosi in a last ditch effort to stop impeachment – and it failed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

The whistleblower has decided to come out swinging at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 24, 2019

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