House Republican abruptly announces he’s quitting after Donald Trump’s civil war meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

Donald Trump just tipped off that it’s all over for him but the shouting

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

Here comes Donald Trump’s week from hell

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

“Trump acted alone” – several of Donald Trump’s top advisers just threw him squarely under the bus in his whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

Trump may have finally screwed himself

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

Tide turns as GOP Congressman slams Donald Trump for calling for a Civil War

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2019

It’s all crumbling down for Donald Trump in real time

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump’s former Homeland Security Advisor just came out swinging against him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Mitch McConnell has totally checked out

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump just got some really ugly news about his impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Desperate Donald Trump just committed treason by calling for “Civil War” if he’s impeached and ousted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump’s deranged threats against the whistleblower are having very real consequences right now [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Did Donald Trump really just try to call for a new election?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Rudy Giuliani goes completely off the deep end after Joe Biden goes the jugular

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump just had his most psychotic impeachment meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

We’ve entered the hostage standoff phase of Donald Trump’s downfall

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Looks like Bill Barr tried to bribe Donald Trump into not incriminating him in whistleblower scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

“Standby there are more whistleblowers”

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just took Mike Pompeo down with him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump is on the run. Now is not the time to get complacent.

By Robert Harrington | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump doesn’t know what’s about to hit him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Susan Collins circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Sep 29, 2019

Adam Schiff just delivered some really bad news for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump goes off the deep end after another Fox News host turns against him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are now trying to see who can get ousted first

By Robert Harrington | Sep 29, 2019

Here’s your proof that Donald Trump is hosed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

Donald Trump has frantic thirty-tweet-long late night meltdown as his impeachment takes hold

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2019

“Say goodbye to the douchebag” – Saturday Night Live sends Donald Trump packing

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2019

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