Mike Pompeo is going down. Here’s what happens next.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Lawrence O’Donnell is right about why the GOP Senate might actually remove Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump has one of his most utterly deranged Twitter meltdowns yet

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Mike Pompeo just confessed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Donald Trump is now being targeted by the Department of Defense Inspector General too

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Nancy Pelosi has something big to say

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2019

Confirmed: State Department Inspector General is bringing the receipts to his Trump-Ukraine testimony tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

House Democrats seem to think Mike Pompeo is going down tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Donald Trump is now talking about having people shot

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Looks like the State Department Inspector General is about to blow the lid off Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Maxine Waters slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

The SDNY has fallen

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Oh good, Donald Trump is now talking about a “coup”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

New allegations surface about Donald Trump blackmailing Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Bill Barr has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Ukraine is falling apart tonight

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Turns out the Trump White House stupidly left a breadcrumb trail for House Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Corey Lewandowski just folded

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Donald Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

GOP Senator tries to cover his backside as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Donald Trump just opened his mouth and sent the stock market plummeting

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Two key State Department witnesses confirm they’re testifying against Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

What is this idiot even talking about?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Rudy Giuliani just signaled that he knows he’s completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Turns out Adam Schiff has an ace up his sleeve

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Mike Pompeo throws a tantrum

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

Donald Trump’s Nazi playbook

By Robert Harrington | Oct 1, 2019

Here’s another article of impeachment for you – and this one might actually get Donald Trump convicted

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2019

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